1. Set up Producta

Go to dashboard.producta.ai to create an account

Follow the onboarding steps there to install Producta in your Linear and GitHub spaces

2. Using Producta

  • Two new states will appear in your Linear boards:
  • To work on a task with Producta, simply move it into the Producta: to do state
  • Producta’s AI will directly generate a solution for the task if it is clearly defined. If not, it will help you refine the task into new, actionable tasks
    • If the task needs refinement: a comment will be left on the task, guiding you on how to refine and clarify the task. Update the task description for Producta to check again
    • If the task is clear ready: Producta’s AI will generate code to solve the task. When the code is validated, a pull request will be opened and the task will be moved into the Producta: in review state

Enjoy Producta and feel free to reach out to hello@producta.ai for help! 💙

You can also check how to create tasks that work well for Producta in the next page: